Want to be happier? Be Selfish!
At the start of each year “self-care” becomes SUCH a buzzword, yet finding the time to actually prioritize yourself in this busy world falls by the wayside. Learning how to prioritize yourself goes beyond self-care. It requires a deep reprogramming because many of us were raised to be people-pleasers.
How about we make ourselves the #1 person we need to please?
This is not to say we don’t show up for others. This is not an either-or scenario. It just means we put ourselves first so that we can be happy AND show up for our loved ones without feeling depleted. Trust us, being a little selfish will be worth it not only for you, but for your loved ones.
Don’t believe us? Here are 8 reasons why being “selfish” leads to more stability, joy, and fulfillment.
1. You teach others (i.e. spouse, family, colleagues) how to treat YOU by how you treat yourself.
People who prioritize their own wellbeing will naturally command that respect from others. They will come to learn and know what is important to you and honor it.
2. You teach others (i.e. spouse, family, your children, colleagues) how to treat THEMSELVES by how you treat yourself.
Be a good role model and show them how it’s done. Martyrdom does not lead to happiness or fulfillment. Do you really want that for your friends and family?
3. You’ve heard us say this over and over again but it bears repeating — “you cannot pour from an empty vessel’.
When you’re emotionally spent there’s no way you show up mentally, physically, or emotionally for another. You’ve got to fill your own cup first!
4. You’re more emotionally and unconditionally stable.
This means you don’t need a particular set of circumstances or for people to behave in a certain way for you to be okay. Here is a powerful thought: The second you require others or circumstances to change for you is the second you hand over control of your life. Yikes! If you strengthen who you are and what’s important to you, life’s upsets will just be little hiccups, not catastrophes.
5. You learn to love and accept who you are rather than who you “should” be.
This may come more easily with age but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t strive toward this today and every day. When shoulds are involved, it usually involves falling short of an expectation. You are setting yourself up for failure. Kick the shoulds to the curb and BE YOU.
6. Indulging your soul becomes a lifestyle, not something you scramble to do when you are depleted.
Regularly carving out time to do the activities you love, hang with your favorite peeps, seek inspiration, etc. become preventive care as opposed to trips to urgent care, so to speak.
7. The more authentically YOU you are, the more you attract the right people, relationships, and circumstances into your life.
So what if you’re quirky? Embrace it. Own it. Celebrate it. Need inspiration? Read Molly Shannon’s memoir: Hello, Molly!
8. More importantly, when others take issue with you or things don’t go your way, you don’t take it so personally.
Rise above it all and tomorrow is a new day. It’s not your job to make others happy or to fix everything. Your job is YOU.
Remember sweet friend, when you succeed FIRST, the people and things you care about flourish.
Selfishly yours,