A Year of Exploration

Woman with backpack exploring

This week it dawned on me that January was coming to an end and I had not finalized my Word of the Year (WOTY).

​I am sure I am not the only one. Finding one little word that embodies how you want to move forward (or perhaps slow down) in the new year can be overwhelming. 

So, I took my time with it.  I leaned into the start of the year without a clear WOTY selected. I wanted to see what this year was feeling like and get a feel of my headspace. Over the first few weeks of 2023, I realized that I did have a word that needed to be embraced this year: 

EXPLORE (verb)

  1. to travel to a new place to learn about it or become familiar with it

  2. to search and discover; learn about

  3. to think and talk about something to find out more about it

Why "explore"?  Well, because as I began 2023 I realized that life is running smoothly. All is going as planned.  I know the rhythm of the highs and lows of my daily life. And, there are no surprises. Surprises come from leaving our comfort zones. So it's time to get out there and explore.    

“Explore” is a scary word for me. First of all, it’s a verb, an action word, and most days I’m perfectly content curling up on the couch with a glass of wine and a good book. Second, it’s one of those words that will challenge me to try things that I may not be good at (not an easy task for this recovering perfectionist). But at my core, I know that I am not meant to be living in this comfort zone.  I am way too curious to be this content.  And, honestly, too young to be feeling this old. 

So 2023 will be the year of exploration. A year of exploring hobbies. A year of exploring my community. A year of exploring activities that bring enrichment to my life. A year of exploring who I can become.

Do you embrace a word of the year or a word? Tell me about it in the comments! If you haven’t embraced a word, join me in the exploration journey!

You can also check back next week for additional inspiration because Carolyn will share her selected WOTY. 
Happy Exploring!  


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