How To Welcome Positive Change

Woman if field looking into sunset thinking about her Word of the Year

As we kick off 2023, we offered a fresh opportunity to usher in positive change with intention.

As you know, we do not subscribe to New Year’s Resolutions.  There is just something about starting the year off with trying to fix or improve something that doesn’t seem much like a strong beginning.

We are fans of choosing a word of the year because it creates a theme for our journey. 

No deadlines.  No sacrifices or harsh commitments.  Just a reminder of how you want your year to be. Think of it as a Discovery Process.

If your word is not coming to you, don’t force it or panic.  The year is still young!  

Here is a simple 3-step process that will bring you some clarity in choosing your word of the year.

1. Get quiet
Guidance, solutions, and answers can always be found in stillness.  All you need is about 15 min.  If you can't spare that, even 5-10 will help you detach from the noise in your life and gain some clarity.

2. Purge
You know I love a good purge! While a physical purge is always therapeutic, I am referring to a mental purge. 

What behaviors or patterns would you like to shed?  Write them all down!  For me, avoidance is #1.  I am a queen procrastinator and will avoid facing things to my detriment.

Then list all the negative stories and beliefs that have taken root in your mind.  Again, my list includes being powerless or limited in certain situations.  
Read over your list and cross each one out with an X.  I like using a thick, black sharpie.  BUH-BYE!  These things are nothing more than lies that you’ve come to believe over time.  They are not true and hold you back.  #konmarie them.  

3. Invite 
Now that all the losers have left your party, you've created the space to invite in all the events, relationships, trips, and changes you want to usher in.  Read your list over (again and again) and imagine what it feels like.  Picture yourself already experiencing these things.  Dwell in the feeling fo whatever you want to create.

If your word hasn't come to you yet, I bet you have some contenders.  Feel them out.  Which one resonates most with what you are longing for?


A Year of Exploration