Can We Reframe Fear?

Woman leaning outside window not fearing next steps

I recently came across a quote asking:

“What if fear is just suppressed excitement?”  

Bottled-up anticipation, if you will.  You know I love a good reframe!

This got me thinking:

Can I reframe fear to represent that I am about to grow and expand?  

That it shows up to help me, like an invisible hand extending to help me open the door and cross the threshold to my breakthrough (my Word of the Year!)

That what lies beyond it is better than my dreams?

Fear can be debilitating.  For me, it can lead to paralysis as my avoider tendencies take center stage when fear is present.

And while my avoider wants me to play small and succumb to my fear, when I am most scared is actually the best time to challenge my ingrained beliefs. 

And I challenge you to do the same.  

If you can’t buy into fear being suppressed excitement just yet, can you take it as a sign to evaluate your perceptions?  Questioning your beliefs, and realizing that they are limiting you, can open up your perspective and make you realize that fear, is mostly an illusion.

Try asking yourself:

  • Is all this naysaying, doomsday-speak in my head really true?

  • How does this belief serve me?

  • Does this belief support me in going after my dreams or playing small?

When you directly question your fears like this, you’ll begin to recognize how they were formed. 

Fearful narratives are typically developed as a survival mechanism or it was taught to you in your early childhood.  Understanding your fears’ origins can help you say, “Oh so THAT's how you got here”.  This is a critical realization as it separates your fears from your true self.  

Your fears are not you.  You have them.  I have them.  We all have them.  

It’s like your hand. You are not your hand.  You just happen to have one.  Well, actually, two.

When you unpack your doubts, you can see how they have been holding you back from stepping into your power.  It’s kind of like the Great and Powerful Oz being exposed as a man behind a curtain in the Wizard of Oz.  Not so scary, right?

Here is another good question to ask:

If nothing could go wrong, what does it look like to make this courageous step or decision?

You wouldn’t even hesitate, right?  Same, Girl.  Same.

One of my all-time most inspiring reads is The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho.  If you haven’t read it, please run to your nearest bookstore.

I find myself turning to this book when I feel like I’m being led by fear.

It’s a simple yet beautiful and powerful tale of a shepherd boy who leaves his homeland and all that he has ever known in search of a treasure.  His journey is filled with obstacles and detours, yet he is undeterred from his path.  Ultimately,  it leads him to the discovery of the treasure within.

This book is a testament to faith and to following your heart.

It’s filled with wise and resonant quotes such as:

  • “It’s the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting.”

  • “There is only one way to learn… It’s through action.  Everything you need to know, you have learned through your journey.”

  • “When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.”

  • “And when you want something, all the Universe conspires to help you to achieve it.”

When I need inspiration and a kick in the ass to be brave, I turn to this book.

For you, inspiration may come from a song, a movie, or a chat with an old, wise friend who knows you well.

Whatever it may be, seek out your inspo.  It may be the little extra you need to move the needle from paralyzed to “I can do this!”.

Remember that every subtle shift in perception can help you extricate yourself from the jaws of fear.  With every little step, you’ll gain more agency and freedom in your life.  And you’ll be more willing to embrace change.

And maybe even welcome fear.  Because it is, after all, suppressed excitement.  You are leveling up.  About to grow, change, and thrive.

Finally, you can always reach out here if you need guidance or a friendly ear.

PS  Check out our upcoming Sister Talk below!  Registration is now open!


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