5 Steps To Getting UNstuck

Two women walking down green path talking

Hello Sis - Last night, I went for a walk with a friend to help me clear my head and emotions around my current job dissatisfaction. I'm trying to figure out what my next chapter will be. Will I seek an entrepreneurial route or take my skills to another organization? Or will I stay in complacency?

My Word of the Year is Breakthrough, so the last one is not an option. 

I left her at her front door and continued on my way home when, out of nowhere, the ABBA song, "Take a Chance On Me", popped into my head.

"Gonna do my very best and it ain't no lie
If you put me to the test if you let me try
Take a chance on me
(That's all I ask of you, honey)
Take a chance on me"

You're singing it now, aren't you?

I take EVERYTHING as a sign. Is the Universe (via ABBA) trying to tell me that it's time to take a chance on me? That if I jump, a net will appear?

I guess the only way to find out is to ..." do my very best, baby can't you see. 
Gotta put me to the test, take a chance on me."

Now it's officially stuck in your head.  You're welcome.

Feel-good ABBA vibes aside, what's holding me back is my least favorite four-letter word.  Fear.

Fear that I will fail. That I won't be able to hack it. That I'll make less money.

Sound familiar? Does any of this resonate with you?

It may be if you are dissatisfied with your job, considering a career change, have been displaced, or are thinking about turning a hobby into an entrepreneurial hustle. Unfortunately, fear can derail you by keeping you safe and stuck right where you are.

Last week we discussed reframing fear to represent an exciting new change.  When you are really in a snit, as I was last night, reframing might feel like too far a leap.  If that's the case for you, here are some additional suggestions for you to get UNstuck:

  1. Turn on some ABBA. In addition to some wisdom, their music is just fun and will get you singing along. You cannot be happy and worried at the same time. Listening to ABBA is like turning on a happy switch.

  2. Take a walk - it clears your mind and is good for you! A nice bonus is adding a friend who knows you well and can help bring clarity and encouragement

  3. Make a plan, even if your goal is to set a deadline. For example, "I want to change my role before the holidays". I often find it helps me to have a date to work backward from. Once the date is set, you can ask yourself, "What are some steps to take between now and then?" Jot them down on paper in no particular order and keep that list visible and accessible!

  4. Take action. Send out a resume. Make some calls. Do some research. Update your LinkedIn. Sign up for a class to update your skills. Whatever is on the list from #4, start chipping away. Taking action is like punching fear in the face.  I promise with every little step, you will feel more empowered.

  5. Sign up for our upcoming Sister Talk. You'll have from our panel of rockstars who have shifted their careers - all in different ways.  And for the first time ever, we are offering both a virtual and in-person option for this Sister Talk!  Who knows?  Maybe we'll even play some ABBA.

Whether starting a new role, transitioning to a new company, re-entering the workforce, or learning to manage your personal and professional life, you are not alone. Learning from the examples of other women can be an empowering step to navigating the fear you are experiencing and the changes you are facing.

Details are HERE.  Hope to see you there!

With Super Trouper beams of love,


If You Want It, Go Get It.


Can We Reframe Fear?