If You Want It, Go Get It.

Hey Herd Sis,

"If you want it, go get it", is a standard mantra in our home.  Not from a motivational perspective per se, but because we live with 4 teens who often want things like:

  • A particular food

  • An article of clothing

  • To see a friend

  • To attend a particular school or program

To which we say, "If you want it, go get it."

Our kids understand this and know that if we are not able, they will either have to hoof it, ride their bikes, or quite honestly, order online.  They have to study,  fill out the application, and prepare for the interview. Or not!  It depends on how badly they want it. Now don’t get me wrong.  They will try every which way to first have us retrieve or do said item for them.  We’re not raising any dummies here!

It’s just that when I think about this one thing that I want, I wonder why I haven’t “gotten it” yet. There are many things that I have gotten like a new home, a happy relationship with someone wonderful, a business with a stellar partner.  Honestly, no complaints here! But something I really want is a lot of $$$.

Now, I'm not really into things or fancy cars but as I said, we have 4 teens - all of which plan to attend college. That’s beaucoup bucks x 4, People!   In this same lifetime, my SO and I also want to retire comfortably and travel.  A LOT. So maybe it's not money, but the freedom and choices it provides.

Despite my desire for this, I have yet to win PowerBall or inherit millions from some random relative I never knew I had. So, what's a girl to do?

I have to GET IT.  

And I am working on it.  I am shifting my mindset to one of abundance without limitations. Not easy for this people-pleasing, color-inside-the-lines kind of girl! Here is how I am shaking things up:

  • I’m investing in myself. I am signing up for courses and believing I can hone my skills and learn new things at any age.

  • I am talking to others who have achieved success and learning from them.

  • I am recognizing there is more than one way to skin a cat* and I’m willing to try them all.

How about you? 

What is that one thing you really want but haven’t gotten or achieved yet?  

Maybe it's a change of career or a new relationship.  Perhaps it's a bestselling novel that lives only as a dream inside your head. 

Whatever it is, it's important.  And you should GO GET IT too.

I guess the next question is:

What's keeping you from GETTING IT?

More than likely, it’s a fear of failure cleverly disguised as some perceived obstacle that doubles as a convenient and plausible excuse. Listen, you are not alone.  I am right there with you!  Let’s unpack this together and support one another.  Please share your comments below so we can rewrite our narratives.

So we can GO GET IT.

With so much reverence for your dreams & mine,



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