Stop Negative Thoughts or Beliefs

Woman holding box

We'd like to introduce a simple tool to you called The Inactive Box which we learned from Abraham Hicks.  It is, in essence, a symbolic gesture to render inactive any concern, worry, negative belief, or judgment.  

These thoughts and beliefs may come in the form of stories you tell yourself or they could have been ingrained in you over the years by family and/or peers.

We'd like you to sift through your Belief Closet, as you would your clothes or hall closet. Those closets are full but how many of those items do you actually use?  How many of them actively serve you? Probably just a fraction.

I moved not too long ago and it shocked me to discover how many items I had placed in storage.  I had completely forgotten about these items.  Out of sight, out of mind. The same can be applied to your thoughts. 

Why take them out and regularly display them if they don’t make you feel good?  If they don’t serve you?

So, let’s put these negative beliefs into storage, shall we?

The Inactive Box

1. The first step is to find a box or container to place your negative thoughts.  Keep it someplace visible and accessible to serve as a reminder of its purpose.  I decided to wrap mine (see above) to make it decorative (but you don't have to).  I also created a slot so that once a thought goes in there, it doesn't come back out!

2. When you catch yourself in a moment of not feeling good (worried, frustrated, angry, depressed), pause and isolate the feeling.  Ask yourself what is the subject that is prompting these thoughts and feelings.

3. Take a sticky, note card, or slip of paper and write the following on it:

​"It is my intention to render inactive “worrying about what others think, projecting my negative thoughts onto others, feeling unworthy of good things, etc."

4. Fold it up and place it in the slot.  It’s like you are throwing it away.

This process takes your focus off the contrast in your life and allows you to see and appreciate the positive.  It enables you to allow the good and see opportunities where you thought there was only judgment.

Out of sight out of mind.  It works! Give it a try and let us know how it goes!

Much love,



The Law of Attraction Loves Your Joy


Turning Adversity Into Opportunity