Turning Adversity Into Opportunity

You know we are always eager to share any tips, tricks, or life hacks to get you through the day.  We gotcha, Girl!

This time, we're sharing an affirmation which I also like to refer to as my favorite prayer:

“I am open to creative solutions.”

Simple, right?

Here is an example of how this prayer is serving me:

Not too long ago, I signed up for a coaching certification program.  I thoroughly enjoyed the introductory course and know this is an avenue I am excited to pursue and share with my coaching clients. Through a series of technical glitches and an increased workload at my job, I found myself struggling to catch up.  I was still within a 30-day window where I could ask for my money back and hope to join at a future date, but this thought had me in tears.

When was I going to put my desires in the first place?  And certainly not second to a job that I’ve stayed at past the expiration date?  Admittedly, I have a history of putting EVERYTHING in second place after whatever job I held.  That’s the hyper-achiever in me. 

The other alternative was to figure out another way. Maybe I could take some vacation days to lock myself away and catch up? That thought had me feeling like I was setting myself up for failure. I threw my hands up and announced to the Universe...

"I am open to creative solutions."

The camera pans to me tapping my foot and looking skyward expectantly. I looked around me.  No burning bush.  No thunderous voice from beyond or magic genie, for that matter. I let it go in the moment but hours later, I got to thinking….I realized that these courses are continually being offered throughout the year.

I sent an email stating that due to all the technical difficulties and other distractions, I felt I had fallen too far behind to catch up, yet didn’t want to walk away from this opportunity.  I asked, “When does the next Cohort round begin, and may I jump in with those coaches?”

Within hours, I had an email stating that, yes, I could join the next cohort round, and a flood of relief rushed through me.  That feeling was all I needed to know that this was the right decision for me. The next start date is in just a couple of weeks when my job typically slows down.  It’s after my daughter’s high school graduation and the marathon of other year-end activities.  I can hit the ground running.

You see when you ask the Universe for creative solutions, you are asking to be shown the way instead of figuring it all out on your own.  

I was initially tormenting myself with the first two (either/or) options.  This prayer opened my mind up to explore an out-of-the-box alternative. The beauty of this prayer, which I gleaned from best-selling author and motivational speaker, Gabby Bernstein, is that it takes the pressure off of being responsible for the solution.  The solution was already there.  I just wasn’t seeing it. It’s the most satisfying form of surrender.  It’s like taking the most onerous task on your to-do list and reassigning it to the Universe.  “Here!  You do it!  I trust you.”

I will add this: this prayer was backed by belief.  I felt in my bones that there had to be a way, or that there always is more than one way.  This belief enabled me to ask to be shown the way. While it takes the pressure off of solving the problem, I end up feeling empowered because I am not a victim.  I shifted my perspective and took steps accordingly.

When you notice yourself going down a fear spiral over money, work, or relationships, stop your thoughts and begin silently repeating this prayer instead. 

“I am open to creative solutions.”

You’ll notice that by simply repeating this, you will feel more at ease and filled with faith that answers are on the way. Here are some simple guidelines to follow 

  1. State your prayer: “I am open to creative solutions”

  2. Accept what is - especially if it is outside your control!  

  3. Look for the possibilities (and there are always possibilities)

  4. Remember that nothing is forever.  This applies to both negative circumstances as well as opportunities. 

  5. When you are shown the way, ACT ON IT.

Give it a try and let us know how it goes.




Stop Negative Thoughts or Beliefs


4 Step Practice for Self-Acceptance