Give Up On Perfection
Giving up on perfection is like quitting the hamster wheel. It's utterly exhausting. You think you have to run it and finally, you jump off.
Starting Is The Hard Part
You are always becoming. That's what it means to live. Every day, every choice, every moment is a new beginning. So don't condemn your starting point! Learn to honor your continuous evolution.
3 Simple Ways To Practice Gratitude Everyday
Our brains are our greatest ally and by starting from a pure and purposeful mindset we can model a life of thankfulness not just on our good days, but on our “bad” days too.
Turn "What-If" Worry Thoughts Into Positive Action
What-ifs stop you from taking any inspired action by keeping you trapped in fear. Think about it. If you follow a what-if worry stream all the way through, you are so far down a rabbit hole. There is a better way.
The Knowing is in the Doing
“How can I be my best self (mother, daughter, sister, friend, colleague, etc) today? It’s like I want my very own SOUL-GPS. I want to know how to go, where to turn, where the bumps in the road lay, any detours, and the exact time I can expect to reach my very own Shangri-La.
A Leap of Faith Journey
I will be PROACTIVELY doing something to make me happy and better my life. I will be positively changing the course of my life instead of WAITING for something to happen. In the depths of my soul, I know the Universe will somehow support me with this endeavor.
3 Life Lessons from a Teenage Boy
When I became I Mom I was so focused on what I would teach my kids. Hoping I would pass down wisdom and lessons so they could navigate their way through this complicated world. What I didn’t realize then but I am so thankful for now is how much they pass on their wisdom to me.
Unplug To Plug In
It’s a little scary to think how quickly technology has improved and proved itself indispensable to our day-to-day living. But, all this remembering has led me to think about the possible upsides of not being so connected all the time.
3 Ways To Slow Down This Summer
In our fast-paced, hyper-connected world, if we don’t take control of our summer, it will pass by unused and unenjoyed. Here are 3 simple ways for you to slow down the pace and enjoy the season fully.
The Law of Attraction Loves Your Joy
Adults like you and me may have lost sight of our joy amidst juggling our responsibilities. Or, what we used to enjoy no longer floats our boat, and not sure where it lies anymore. This takes reimagining the current structures and routines in your life.
Stop Negative Thoughts or Beliefs
We'd like to introduce a simple tool to you called The Inactive Box which we learned from Abraham Hicks. It is, in essence, a symbolic gesture to render inactive any concern, worry, negative belief, or judgment.
Turning Adversity Into Opportunity
You know we are always eager to share any tips, tricks, or life hacks to get you through the day. We gotcha, Girl! This time, we're sharing an affirmation which I also like to refer to as my favorite prayer…
4 Step Practice for Self-Acceptance
I can be so hard on myself, but I’ll do just about anything for my kids. That little girl, my younger self… she still lives within me. She’s my kid too.
If You Want It, Go Get It.
What is that one thing you really want but haven’t gotten or achieved yet? Maybe it's a change of career or a new relationship. Perhaps it's a bestselling novel that lives only as a dream inside your head.
Whatever it is, it's important. And you should GO GET IT.
5 Steps To Getting UNstuck
It may be if you are dissatisfied with your job, considering a career change, have been displaced, or are thinking about turning a hobby into an entrepreneurial hustle. Unfortunately, fear can derail you by keeping you safe and stuck right where you are.
Can We Reframe Fear?
I recently came across a quote asking: “What if fear is just suppressed excitement?”
Bottled-up anticipation, if you will. You know I love a good reframe! This got me thinking: Can I reframe fear to represent that I am about to grow and expand?
Don’t Ask “What’s Wrong?”
Don't ask, "What's wrong?". Instead, ask, "What's possible?" Asking this way takes your focus off the negative or the problem and gets you thinking about the solution. Because, as we all know, for every problem, there IS a solution.
The Power of Mirror Work
As a symbol of truth and clarity, mirrors are one of the simplest and most direct ways to self-actualization. So grab a mirror, look into those gorgeous peepers of yours, and say:…
Time for a Breakthrough
A breakthrough changes the course of your life going forward, ensuring that things will never again be the same. While the word indicates some kind of sudden realization, it’s more like having reached the tipping point.
A Year of Exploration
I am sure I am not the only one. Finding one little word that embodies how you want to move forward (or perhaps slow down) in the new year can be overwhelming. So, I took my time with it.